Nowadays, I started writing my thoughts and feeling on blog however I forgot to ask myself, does it worth which I am writing? Does it give the real knowledge like other intellectual web page, small stories and book tag give us? If not then what is the writing on blog really stand for me? Why am I writing all those crap things? My second sense sparked and ordered: stop asking too much question and concentrate on other positive things as well. In the meantime, I shouldn’t forget my humble beginning and stop writing about my ideas and inspiration.
I started searching on Google whether I can find any link and, I didn’t get satisfactory
link which I was searching. In sheer desperation, I went to ask
Pundit Buddhi Ram Bajee while he was busy in city to solve the problems of people. I found him sitting near to the Bagmati River at Kathmandu, quite busy on palmistry and face reading and, he was telling the solution of the problem to them. It made me to wait with out any hesitation but keep striking a question in my mind why he is in this position if he can solve others' problems, why can’t he solve his own problem? Anyway, when my turn came to as
k the cause of problem and solution, he asked his parrot to give my answer by picking envelope which was already prepared before I went there. When I opened the envelope, I got very surprising answer — “
An idle mind is a devil's workshop. This blog is thus a by-product of your devil evil plot in this virtual world”. I started scaring whether some evil spirit (ghost) came in my body and, asked him the solution for this devil evil work. He solved my problem just asking me to top up another Rs.50 together with one chicken. Then, I make my way to Pasupatinath where I saw
Ajmeri sadhu baba busy on meditation. I went in front of him and, started praying him to solve my problem. When I switched on my computer, his voice echoed through my computer’s speaker with resounding answer — "
Balak, it is a very special brand of gratuitous jabber mixed with pseudo- genuineness. That is what you do best for your writing". Bravo, I got my answer and, I was very humbled by his gyaan, thought gratitude him. Then, I promptly suggested for his
gyaan “
Aaj meri (mero) baba, Bholi timro baba”.
When I started writing my blog, I thought it would be my personal view and, will resolve the dichotomy that we face as an individual. Blog has over lapped the space and, has

amalgamated the personal and public notion in one form called blog. If this concept has to explain in class eight by Gupta sir. He would address with his marvellous English accent — “Waitt phew minut, I weel yekshplain with pickchar on balack boode. Kundu, caan yu write watt I aim telling ona balack boode”. Now it would my turn to show the expertise writing on black board which Gupta sir is addressing about blog to our class — “U C, the red circle is public space, Blue circle is private space and the intersection set — purple flower petal shape is a blog”.
Bloggers don’t write something without any reason or thoughts and ideas in their blog. It is not just an online journal however a place to express private idea, interest and view by keeping in mind about public thoughts, ideas and suggestion. Every blogger write by hoping to read and knowing that he/she being read. Every blogger, no matter what they say, started their site because they want other people to read what they want to say. A blog is not just about introspection, it is also about performance but at the end of the day, it isn’t navel-gazing alone, it is as much navel-baring.
I always remember my school life which is one of the remarkable memories. But now
, th

e time has passed away and I always tried to share my own past memories in this blog “How stupid I am?” Anyway, why should I care anybody’s compassion and giggle? If someone really pisses me off, I would catch him. I don’t want to tell how I would like to boil him in oil, hang him upside down from a tree, paint like a voodoo doll and do an African victory dance chanting —????? In
Kishor Kumar's voice: Hmm humm humm "
Jumbaaye agumbaye yaa aaygo aaygo aaygo." Thank you very much.........