Monday, May 05, 2008
Sunday, April 20, 2008
IP address , computer detail and ISP
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Manufacturing System Design That Enhance By Taking Account Of Distributed Cognition:
Human performance is moving towards the concept of “human behaviour”. Human behaviour is defined as “consistent lines of activity” (Becker, 1960). A successful manufacturing organisation is always involved with the design and re-designs. The exact form of the stages in such a process may be different between organisations. There is always a point arise when evaluation takes place to see whether a proposed system design is likely to fulfil expectations or not. In this system, a single design engineer/system design is responsible for the manufacturing system. Changing the role of an engineer from a manual controller to a supervisory controller is a great change in the current manufacturing system and it requires human factors research in future as well. In order to ensure human performance and to integrate new technologies necessary for this future manufacturing system design environment, it is understood that human factors must be involved from the beginning and throughout the development of new technologies, policies and procedures (Braune, Jahns, and Bittner, 1996).
Siebeneicher (1987) stated his view that technology alone will not improve a company’s efficiency; it starts with management and people. Education and training are vital to successful implementation of advanced manufacturing technologies. Mize (1987) noted that management must recognise the critical nature of proper training and education. Technology is advancing very rapidly in the manufacturing field that continuing education and training become very necessary in this field. Chang (1989) stated that an organisation can never realise such a change by simply hiring engineers and technicians with new technical expertise from outside. A long-term educational and training program should be designed and implemented to train the employees so that restructuring of the human resource for jobs requiring advanced technical expertise can be made possible. Good education and training programs enable employees to have confidence in performing the new jobs and bring them job satisfaction. It is understood that human factors must be involved from the beginning and throughout the development of new technologies, policies and procedures (Braune, Jahns, and Bittner, 1996).
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Identify Systematic Approach To Design Effective Manufacturing System Design:
In last few decades, manufacturing used to known as just a simple business. A plant’s operating goals were clear: Maximize profits by running a single product for as long as possible and then change over lines and run the next product for as long as possible. A famous phrase was pointed by Henry Ford that in customers’ point of view that they could have any product, in any colour …... as long as they wanted the product that was in stock and the colour they preferred was black.
In the prospect of today’s development process, Most of the manufacturing organisations invest their money on computer based simulation to improve their manufacturing performance however the performance evaluation based on combination of human judgement, bargaining and analysis. Despite of all the developments in the different sectors such as social sciences and Information technology with in the company, it is still ill-equipped to understand the effects of the relationships between the people, environment and performance within the company.
People behave differently in differently situations.
Cognitive engineering would be considerably find easier if we had a principled answer to distributed cognition in manufacturing systems design. Designers could then consult the book of cognitive and interactive principles and, like civil engineers who build bridges, they could creatively apply principles to build environments that make life easier. At present, no such book exists and it depends on our understanding a collection of issues broadly related to interaction and distributed cognition which we are just beginning to appreciate.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Literature based Research:
This dissertation is based on phenomenological paradigm results from a qualitative approach. Phenomenological paradigm assumes that social reality is in our minds; a reaction to the positivistic paradigm. Therefore, the act of investigating reality has an effect on that reality and considerable regard is paid to the subjective state of the individual (Hussey and Hussey, 1997). Identify multi method approach to design effective manufacturing system that enhance by taking account of human behaviour factors research depends on the knowledge of researcher. Gunnarsson (1991) separates the researcher’s knowledge into understanding and preunderstanding. Preunderstanding represents the knowledge insight and experience before taking part in a research project. It also refers a certain attitude and a commitment on the part of researcher’s personal experience as an essential element in the process of collecting and analysing data. Gunnarsson (1991) also emphasizes that the researcher should have solid base of preunderstanding however not to be its slave. This concept refers that researcher, should have open attitude and if needed, should change the point of view and review the knowledge base that forms the preunderstanding and also aware of paradigm, selective perception and his/her defence mechanisms. Understanding represents to the knowledge which develops during the assignments and program. It is also depended on preunderstanding since the experience and involvement that leads to understanding. As stated earlier, it can make clear that researcher who achieves understanding becomes preunderstanding into the next phase of research project.
Preunderstanding and understanding are based on the experience of others which is gained for oneself through literature, discussion, involvement and other sources. Chalmers (1995) draws attention that observations are dependent upon the theoretical knowledge of the observer and therefore it is very important to have the correct theoretical background before conducting empirical research. Jorgensen (1992) states by combining a practical and theory based approach.
The research presented in this dissertation is aiming at the theoretical and literature based of results. Theoretical research represents the development of new concepts depends upon scientific knowledge. These new results of knowledge can be used for practical diligence. These learning outcomes represent a higher intellectual level than understanding and diligence because it requires an understanding of both the content and structure. Jorgensen (1992) describes the process of research as an ongoing iterative process of analysis and synthesis in these areas.
Synthesis relates to the ability to bring different parts together to form a new whole. This may involve a set of abstract relations in human behaviour and performance. These learning outcomes in this range emphasis creative behaviour express precisely new patterns and structures. Gummesson (1991) refers five types of preunderstanding based on knowledge and personal characteristic which are necessary in order to fully understand process in organisation which are as follows:
· Knowledge of theories;
· Knowledge of techniques;
· Knowledge of institutional conditions;
· An understanding of social patterns;
· Personal attributes;
Effective research is not disciplinary, interdisciplinary, or multidisciplinary; it is transdisciplinary (Ackoff, 1999). In the process of development of understanding to result in correct, a number of issues relevant to management science, physiology and scientific issues of more practical nature, related to the conducted research and discussed together with scientifically sound research have been taken into account and dealt with.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
The Methods for conducting Research:
Concept: A concept is an idea or a physical quantity that is used to analyse natural phenomena in which the basic inputs, outputs and principles are defined however it does not exit details (Kirwan, Ainsworth, 1992). McGill & King (1989) specify that there are several concepts that are primitives in the study of mechanics. Space, time, force and mass are stated. In this research, the term concept is used when discussing human performance in manufacturing systems, most often when discussing manufacturing system design.
Law and principle: Karlsson defines, (2002) a principle is a very general statement about how nature operates. It spans the whole subject and is part of its foundation. Laws are usually more specific, using mathematics to describe relationships. Sometimes, the terms law and principle are used interchangeably (Benson, 1991). Newton’s laws are well known and often used in different scientific studies. However, they do not apply for example, when velocities approach the speed of light. That is, the laws are only valid in certain special frames of reference (McGill & King, 1989).
Reliability or dependability: When discussing the quality of research, the terms validity and reliability are often used. Validity refers to the extent to which the researcher is able to use his/hers method to study what is intended, that the used method or strategy is suitable for the task. Reliability refers to the possibility to repeat the research and end up with identical results (Yin, 1994). Generally, reliability is strengthened through clarification of the point of views, backgrounds, theoretical perspectives etc, which is behind the research as well at the path to the conclusions.
Generalisability: Generalisability is the extent to which can come to conclusions about one thing (often a population) based on information about another (often a sample (Collis & Hussey (2003). The proposed research is based on collection of data from different resources, comparing them which in turn generate the appropriate result or conclusion.
Location: Location refers to the setting in which the research is conducted. The best example of a positivistic paradigm is a scientist in a laboratory conducting a controlled experiment. It is important to investigate some research problems in an artificial setting (Collis and Hussey, 2003).
Other positivistic approach that was rejected for the proposed research are as follows:
Longitudinal studies: A longitudinal study is often, but not always, associated with a positivist methodology. It is study, over time, of a variable or group of subjects. The aim is to research the dynamic of problem but investigating the same situation or people several times (Collis & Hussey, 2003). The proposed research having a time constraint cannot be implemented using this type of study which often takes many years to complete.
The most important part of research is to search and find out relevant literature, research papers and books. Research papers, previous dissertation and books have been searched by using library catalogues, bibliographic databases, full text e-journals, other journals and the Internet. When conducting searches for literature the guidelines on searching for and finding scientific information and have been used as well as information given by the University's Department . Additional information on searching the Internet mainly focused on strength and weakness of different types of search engines was provided by University. Analysis of important written material has been reviewed according to scientific systems called complete analysis described by Bjornsson et al (1994).
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Does the Sun rise over Nepal, not India, China & Japan
Once manufacturing skills brought economic success, the global market now offers other routes
Everybody knows about the great historic trends driving economic globalization: the end of communism, which has united the world for the first time in history under one economic system; the emergence of china, India and other developing countries that brought three billion new worker and consumers into this global trade for the first time; and the virtual elimination of transport and communications costs, which has made it possible for the whole world economy to function as one. But many of the consequences that follow logically from this process are still not understood.
Particularly relevant to the contrast between
Platform companies sell everywhere but produce nowhere – business such as Dell, Nokia, Ikea, Glaxo, Apple or L’Oreal. Where, for example, are the factories owned by Ikea or Dell? They do not exist, because these companies subcontract almost all their manufacturing to other businesses, mostly in developing countries. Any business process can be divided into three stages – design, production and marketing – and platform companies have perceived that the relative value of these stages – and platform companies have perceived that the relative value of these stages has fundamentally changed. In the 20th century, control over production was the key to business success. Today the other two stages add most value, because production can be shifted to subcontractors in developing countries that compete intensely to reduce costs.
Friday, June 01, 2007
A brief analysis of the country we are in: Nepal
Europeans will recognise in the traditional political economists like Keynes, Polanyi and Shonfield; American will see it in the tradition of a Golbraith, Reich or Throw- and Friedman, on the right of the political spectrum.
I think if we attempt to isolate economics from other disciplines- notably politics, history, philosophy, finance, constitutional theory and sociology- has seriously disabled its power to explain what is happening in the world. There is too much ideology passing itself off as science, and the results have been lamentable.
Political argument that the semi-modern nature of
The urgency of addressing the country’s financial and constitutional system grows by the year. Ungoverned
These does not mean change should be resisted; but it does mean that
What is required is creative institution-building and a democratic opening- and confidence that men and women can shape heir world.
Yet in the last decade of the twenty first century the record of success is tarnished and any sense of privilege is evaporating. The country’s great industries are decaying and listless, while in the new industries and technologies
For decades of unemployment has been a grim fat of Nepalese life, bearing particular hard on men. As well as those included in the official count who want work and can’t find it, there are millions more who are marginalised-prematurely retired or living off inadequate savings of sickness benefit. Two in five of the country’s males of working age is now either official unemployed or idle, with incalculable consequences for our well-being and social cohesion. The numbers living in poverty have grown to awesome proportions, and the signs of social stress-from family breakdown to the grown of crime-mount almost daily.
As the economy weakens the country’s international prestige is warning. (Its capacity to cling on to its privileged position in the world pecking order.)
Above all, we live in a new world of us and them. The sense of belonging to successful national project has all but disappeared. Average living standards may have gone down and have not generated a sense of well-being; if anything there is more discontent because the gains have been spread so unevenly and are felt to be so evanescent. The country is increasingly divided against itself, with an arrogant officer class apparently indifferent to the other ranks it commands. This privileged class is favoured with education, jobs, housing and pensions. At the end of the scale more and more people discover they are the new working poor, or live off the state in semi-poverty. Their paths out this situation are closing down as the world in which they trapped becomes meaner, harder and more corrupting. In between there are growing numbers of people who are insure, fearful for their jobs in an age of permanent ‘down-sizing’, ‘cost-cutting’ and ‘casualisation’ and ever more worried about their ability to maintain a decent standard of living.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Human Attachment:
- Seeking and being especially satisfied by rewards from social interaction
- Preferring to be with other
- Sharing activities with other
- Being responsive to and seeking responsiveness from others.
According to Kagan et al. (1978), an attachment is: ……an intense emotional relationship that is specific to two people, that endures over time and in which prolonged separation from the partner is accompanied by stress and sorrow.
This definition applies to attachment formation at any point in the life cycle, our first attachment acts as a prototype (or model) for all later relationships. According to Hazan & Shaver (1987), attachment theory, as developed by Bowlby and Ainsworth in particular, offers a valuable perspective on adult romantic love, helping to explain both positive emotions (caring, intimacy, and trust) and negative emotions (fear of intimacy, jealousy, and emotional ‘ups and downs’).
Hazan and Shaver were the first to apply Ainsworth et al.’s three basic attachment styles to adult – adult sexual/romantic relationships. Their study tried to answer the question: how are adults’ attachment patterns (in their adult relationships) related to their childhood attachments to their parents. (………………….)
These results provided encouraging support for an attachment perspective on romantic love. Hazan & Shaver warned against drawing any firm conclusions about continuity between early childhood and adult experience. It would be excessively pessimistic, at least from point of view of the insecurely attached person, if continuity were rule, rather than the exception. The correlations suggest that as we go further into adulthood, continuity with our childhood experiences decreases. The average person participates in several important friendships and love relationships, which provide opportunities for our mental models (Bowlby, 1973, internal working model) of self and others.
According to Bowbly (1973), expectations about the availability and responsiveness of attachment figure are built in to our inner working models of attachment. These reflect memories and beliefs stemming from our early experiences of care–giving, which carried forward into new relationships, both during childhood and beyond. They plan an active role in guiding perceptions and behaviour. (……………… )
According to Waldrop & Halverson (1975), boys’ relationships are extensive, while girls’ are intensive. Boys’ friendship groups are larger and more accepting of newcomers than girls’. The level of competition between pairs of male friends is higher than it is between strangers – the opposite of girls. Despite some important gender differences in friendship quality, collaboration and cooperation are most common forms of communication in both boys’ and girls’ friendships.
The evaluation of Erickson’s theory defines as follows:
The sequence from identity to intimacy may not accurately reflect present-day realities. In recent years, the trend has been for adults to live together before marrying, so they tend to marry later life than people did in past. Many people struggle with identity issues at the same time as dealing with intimacy issues.
Additionally, some evidence suggests that females achieve intimacy before ‘occupational identity’. The typical life course of women involves passing directly into a stage of intimacy without having achieved personal identity. Sangiuliano (1978) argues that most women submerge their identities into those of their partners, and only mid-life do they emerge from this and search for separate identities and full independence. There’s also a possible interaction between gender and social class. Or example, working-class men see early marriage as a ‘good’ life pattern: early adulthood is a time for ‘settling down’, having family and maintaining a steady job. By contrast, middle-class men and women see early adulthood as a time for exploration, in which different occupations are tried. Marriage tends to occur after this, and ‘setting down’ doesn’t usually take place before 30 (Neugarten, 1975). There’s also evidence of an interaction between gender, race and culture. As Gilligan (1982) has observed: the female comes to know herself as she is known, through relationships with others.
Marriage is an important transition for young adults, because it involves a lasting personal commitment to another person, financial responsibilities and, perhaps, family responsibilities. Marriage and preparation for marriage can be very stressful.
Couples who live together (or cohabit) before marriage are more likely to divorce later, and be less satisfied with their marriages, than those who marry without having cohabited. Also, about 40 percent of couples who cohabit don’t marry. While this suggests that cohabitation may prevent some divorces, cohabits who marry are more likely to divorce.
It’s long been recognised that mortality is affected by marital status. Married people tend to live longer than unmarried people, are happier, healthier and have lower rates of various metal disorders than single, widowed or divorced.
Thursday, May 03, 2007
A few good tips for our country:
Democracy is an evolutionary process that we firmly believe in. At times debate prolongs the process, but it ensures the inclusion of everyone in society. Those days are gone when you simply ruling something and then expect it to happen. What we have to do is reach out to the community, argue the merits of certain policy ideas, accept the challenges that come back at us, and respond in a manner that brings more people on board.
The feedback that gets from the public will be constructive. Sometime, it makes us think of things which will not think of in the initial design. It also helps us refocus on where the money [from the levy] should go. Looking back, if we did it again we would probably bring in a wider cross-section of the population from the beginning.
We have had to compromise, work hard, and lobby. And we had to hold our breath a couple of times as the measure was going through parliament. Change is not easy and usually takes longer than you expect. But you should never be discouraged, as it is worthwhile in the long run.
With democracy there are freedoms, and there will always be those who disagree. People all over the world can be dissatisfied with any system, and if I watch CNN or Sky News, for example, there is much more criticism of their own governments than external ones. Thank God there is a mechanism here for people to put those ideas into practice if they have a majority view, and at the very least express them peacefully.
What we need to focus on is the building of a national identity. We need to move away from the Madeshi, Maoist divide. It was not there in the past and has been exacerbated by the political situation of our neighbours. The age-old power struggle between Maoist and the Madeshi issue is reaching frenzy in
I certainly think that economic reform and growth ensure the success of political reform. I’ve heard people talk about delaying political reform because economic reform is not yet sufficiently in place. It’s a fine balance, but I would say that economic growth is a natural prerequisite for political reform. It makes the latter much easier and more stable. But if you are willing to work hard, then starting with political reform will yield the same results.
The great challenge we will have in the future is defining the role of the state in this region—whether it will remain a welfare state or a state more similar to that of a modern economy. I think this will colour a lot of the public debate, namely how much influence, control, and patronage the state will have versus how much independence, empowerment, and influence the private sector should have. When civil society, the free market, or the capitalist system clashes with the oil state, you will see tensions. A high price of oil exacerbates those tensions.
There is a new generation of leaders here and elsewhere in the region who want to see the prosperity they have enjoyed continue into future generations.
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Nepal’s skills and performance: Threat or opportunity
WHY THE URGENCY running to stand still
One raw performance figures alone,
But despite this,
As a further consequence of low skills,
We therefore need to accept that, whereas skills were once key lever for prosperity and fairness, they are now increasingly the key lever, fulfilling an increasingly pivotal role in our ability to complete internationally. Radical change is therefore necessary and urgent.
THE SKILLS VISION targeting world leader status
Clearly, the activities and attitudes would require a cultural shift towards viewing learning something people at all levels and at all ages in the work-force need robe doing all their working lives, and not just as something to be done by young people before they enter the workforce.
SHARED RESPONSIBILTY three levels in concert
Such ambitious targets will only be attained through commitment and the sharing of responsibility by all the beneficiaries. The three key players are the Government, the employer and the individual:
Government must create an end-to-end system with real clarity and discipline as to who in the education and skills infrastructure does what. Government should ensure employers and individuals drive the system so that it delivers economically valuable skills, only intervening where there is market failure.
Employers must respond to the opportunities they are being given to get the system to deliver for them-through more relevant education and training provision or more relevant qualifications or through other mechanisms, using their Sector skills Councils to ensure the right leavers are there to be pulled. They should seek’a deal for a deal’, focusing their investment and their practical support on where this will have most effect in meeting their needs.
Individuals must invest more in their work skills development and raise their aspirations in a changing workplace and with the growth of the knowledge economy. High profile awareness programmes should increase people’s aspirations and awareness of the value of skills to them and their families.
A DEMAND-LED SKILLS SYSTEM the needs of employers take priority
Strengthened Employer Voice
For too long the supply-side in education-the colleges and Universities, the qualification bodies, the funding bodies, even government-set targets themselves –has dominated what gets delivered by the education and skills system. And the demand-side has been interpreted as being ‘what young people want’ rather than ‘what employers need’. A move to a system that gives employers the strongest voice is now essential.
Relevant Qualifications Structure
The complexity and bureaucracy in the current system has always been a significant deterrent factor. There are over thousands of qualifications in
Employers need the over-elaborate world of skills to be simplified, with fewer employer-facing bodies, and with the bodies led by employers having much more power to make the supply of education and skills more fit for 21st century purposes. They want to see more relevant, up to date education and better skills development, delivering more productive and profitable private companies and better performing public services.
Sector-specific, not geographic
While there are special considerations which mean that innovative approaches have the potential to flourish under the devolved administrations in
DRIVING THE VISION simplified structure, focused control
Unless Nepal can make its skills base one of its strengths, public services will not deliver best value and engine of the economy……….
WHO GAINS? a win-win situation
Developing the skills of the exiting workforce is hugely important given that more than 70% of the 2020 workforce is already in the workforce today.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
A company that has higher productivity will enjoy greater profitability with all else equal in a given market. A more productive company can either produce the same output with fewer inputs and thus enjoy a cost advantage or produce more or better output with the same inputs and command a price premium. Over time, the higher profitability of more productive companies will attract competition, and profitability will tend to converge. Profitability is thus a transient reward for improvements in productivity.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
How to Get Free Electricity:
Monday, February 19, 2007
Divine Power of Mantras:
Rama symbolized Rig Veda. He was Mantraswarupa (embodiment of mantras).
Lakshmana was Mantradrasta (one who contemplated on the mantras) and he put the teachings of Rama into practice. He followed Rama faithfully. He considered Rama Nama (repeating Rama's name) as the taraka (liberating) mantra. He, in fact, considered Rama everything --mother, father, Guru and God.
Bharata was the embodiment of Sama Veda and chanted Rama Nama incessantly with bhava, raga, and tala (feeling, melody, and rhythm). While Bharata was engaged in nirguna worship (worship of formless God), Lakshmana rejoiced in saguna worship (worship of God with form).
Atharva Veda manifested itself as Satrughna, who followed his three elder brothers and conquered not only the secular world but achieved victory over the kingdom of senses also.
The Vedas thus incarnated in the Treta Yuga (era) to impart a most precious message to mankind. The two great sages Vasishtha and Viswamitra declared to the world that the four Vedas had taken birth in human form as Rama, Lakshmana, Bharata, and Satrughna. As a consequence of great merit earned by Dasaratha, the four Vedas incarnated as his sons. If anyone asked Sage Viswamitra any questions about the Vedas, he replied, "All the four Vedas have incarnated as the four sons of Dasaratha to set an ideal to the world." Hence the Vedas are not formless; they have a form.
The mantras contained in the Vedas are of immense significance. When Sage Viswamitra realized that the rakshasas (demons) wanted to stop the chanting of Vedic mantras and destroy righteousness and truth on earth, he sought the help of Rama and Lakshmana, who symbolized the divine forces that descended on earth to destroy the demonic forces and establish peace in the world. With the power of mantras taught to them by Sage Viswamitra, Rama and Lakshmana annihilated the Rakshasas. This incident signifies the fact that with the power of Vedic mantras man can destroy his demonic qualities. By engaging themselves in the chanting of the mantras, the people of Treta Yuga annihilated their demonic qualities.
Symbolizing the divine powers of the Vedas, Rama, Lakshmana, Bharata, and Satrughna destroyed demonic forces and fostered divine forces in the world. The four brothers thus established the supremacy of the Vedas as manifestation of the aspect of God with form.
Each mantra has a form. It has also its own inner significance. When chanting is done with contemplation on form, it leads one to the path of self-realisation. The Vedic seers declared, "Vedahametam Purusham Mahantam Aditya Varnam Tamasah Parastat (I have seen the Divine Being who shines with the splendour of a billion suns beyond the realm of darkness)." The seers and sages transcended the darkness of ignorance and visualized the effulgence of the Divine. They chanted the mantras, contemplated on the form of the Divine, performed yajnas (sacrifices and rituals) and attained peace and bliss. They made use of mantra, tantra, and yantra in the performance of yajnas, which ensured peace and prosperity of the people in Treta Yuga. With the help of the mantras, they quelled the rakshasas (demons) and established the reign of gods.
Different means for man's liberation have been prescribed for each of the four Yugas. While meditation is prescribed as the primary means of liberation in the Sathya Yuga, performance of yajnas and chanting of mantras forms the means of liberation in the Treta Yuga. Similarly, archana (worship of God) is the chief means of liberation in Dwapara Yuga. But it is namasmarana (repetition of the name of the Lord) that is the main means of man's liberation in Kali Yuga. Since the people of Kali Yuga do not have the strength and capability to carry out rigorous sadhana (spiritual practices), they have been advised to do namasmarana.
Harernama Harernama Harernamaiva Kevalam;
Kalau Nastyeva Nastyeva Nastyeva Gatiranyatha.
In Kali Yuga, there is no other means more effective than the chanting of Divine Name for man's liberation.
The Ramayana is not an ordinary story. It contains the direct message of the Vedas. Rama symbolizes the wisdom of the Vedas. Rama married Sita, who represents Brahma Gyan (knowledge of Brahman). When Sita is taken away by demonic forces, Rama and Lakshmana search for her desperately.
The Ramayana contains thousands of slokas (verses). Since it was not possible to remember all the slokas of the Ramayana, the sages recommended the chanting of the Name of Rama. When the disciples of Vasishtha asked him what Divine Name to chant, the sage said, "It is enough if you chant the name 'Rama'. The Name of Rama will make you free from raga (attachment) and roga (disease)."
As I often tell the students, the name Rama has two syllables, Ra and ma. These two powerful syllables are derived from the names of Vishnu and Siva. The syllable, Ra comes from the ashtakshari (eight syllabled) mantra Om Namo Narayanaya. It is the life-breath of the ashtakshari mantra. Similarly, ma is the very soul of the panchakshari (five lettered) mantra Om Namah Sivaya.
The ashtakshari mantra Om Namo Narayanaya and the panchakshari mantra Om Namah Sivaya become meaningless when ra and ma are respectively removed from the words of these mantras. Without ra, the ashtakshari mantra becomes Om Namo Nayana, which is meaningless. In the same way, the panchakshari mantra without ma becomes Om Nah Sivaya, which is inauspicious. The Name Rama is the life-breath of both the Vaisanavites and Saivites (worshippers of Vishnu and Siva).
In the Treta Yuga, when the sages and seers were engaged in the chanting of the Divine Name of Rama, Ravana, Kumbhakarna, and other demons tried to put hurdles in their way. They thought that if they abducted Sita, who symbolized Brahma Jnana (knowledge of Brahma), Rama would lose His power. The Name would lose its potency without Jnana, just like sugarcane loses its sweetness without Rasa. Hanuman resolved to bring this rasa back to Rama and rejoiced in drinking Ramarasa (ambrosia of Rama's Name).
The people of the Treta and Dwapara Yugas considered the Name Rama to be the essence of all sweetness and enjoyed its nectarine taste. Instead of tasting the delicious spiritual sweetness of the Name of Rama, people today devour worldly sweets and expose themselves to the risk of becoming diabetic patients. Worldly sweets cause diseases, whereas the delicious sweet of Rama Nama rids one of all diseases. In ancient
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Nepal: balancing economic growth with domestic priorities
The world is changing in many different ways and, in the recent years, the unprecedented performance of developing economics has seen a shift towards a new era of economic power and influence in the global community. The six risk factors can halt future growth of
- The loss of fresh water
- Demographics
- Oil peaks
- A globalisation backlash
- Health
- The environment
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Education and privatization in Nepal:
Education is fundamental in attracting foreign investment, particularly in the regions of the country where we do not always have enough people with the necessary skills in
Equal opportunities from the beginning should be one slogan, and education is the main issue here. We need to move from where we are now—with everyone guaranteed an education under the constitution—to the point where everybody gets an education of excellent quality. This is not just a matter of social justice; education is a vital economic agent. We have a particular problem in
Privatization is all about execution and creating value at the end of the day; you can have good ones like British Airways and bad ones like the railways in
Saturday, November 04, 2006
How to give your brain a workout:
Chew gum: This increase activity in the hippo campus, the part of the brain important for short term memory.
Learn a second language, forcing your brain to continuously switch tarcks. This is one of the most mentally demanding things we can do.
Watch less television
Eat food high in Omega 3 fatty acids such as berries, seeds, turkey and fish.
Sunday, October 15, 2006
What is Knowledge?
Unlike capital and labour, knowledge strives to be a public good). Once knowledge is discovered and made public, there is zero marginal cost to sharing it with more users. Secondly, the creator of knowledge finds it hard to prevent others from using it. Instruments such as trade secrets protection and patents, copyright, and trademarks provide the creator with some protection.
Knowledge based economy is based on Know-why and know-who matters more than know-what. There are different kinds of knowledge that can usefully be distinguished. Know-what, or knowledge about facts, is nowadays diminishing in relevance. Know-why is knowledge about the natural world, society, and the human mind. Know-who refers to the world of social relations and is knowledge of who knows what and who can do what. Knowing key people is sometimes more important to innovation than knowing scientific principles. Know-where and know-when are becoming increasingly important in a flexible and dynamic economy. Know-how refers to skills, the ability to do things on a practical level.
Knowledge gained by experience is as important as formal education and training. The implication of the knowledge economy is that there is no alternative way to prosperity than to make learning and knowledge-creation of prime importance. There are different kinds of knowledge. "Tacit knowledge" is knowledge gained from experience, rather than that instilled by formal education and training. In the knowledge economy tacit knowledge is as important as formal, codified, structured and explicit knowledge.
According to New Growth economics a country's capacity to take advantage of the knowledge economy depends on how quickly it can become a "learning economy'. Learning means not only using new technologies to access global knowledge, it also means using them to communicate with other people about innovation. In the "learning economy" individuals, firms, and countries will be able to create wealth in proportion to their capacity to learn and share innovation (Foray and Lundvall, 1996; Lundvall and Johnson, 1994). Formal education, too, needs to become less about passing on information and focus more on teaching people how to learn.
Life long learning is vital for organisations and individuals. At the level of the organisation learning must be continuous. Organisational learning is the process by which organisations acquire tacit knowledge and experience. Such knowledge is unlikely to be available in codified form, so it cannot be acquired by formal education and training. Instead it requires a continuous cycle of discovery, dissemination, and the emergence of shared understandings. Successful firms are giving priority to the need to build a "learning capacity" within the organisation.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
The reactionary revolutionary:
I think, hate has kindled hate for centuries, and yet Nepal’s King still thinks that repression is the only way to prevent rebellion of Moist and other political parties. Today, His politics activities show that he is the force, he is the order and rest of all who oppose his policies are the disorder. Like Bush, he does not defend an idea, he responds to the fears that he himself instills in people’s heads.
King Ganendra is certainly wanted to be a little King Mahendra. I don’t know if he has the potential of real one, but it will be impossible to say tomorrow that we didn’t know. For his part, King Ganendra appears repentant about controversy he has helped arouse–although his policy makers admit that he has been living through the most testing time in his life. Indeed, he now seems to be revelling in his new–found notoriety, which scarcely dented his popularity rating.
Democratic order must be restored before the current could introduce any other policies to help disadvantaged minorities. The riots and rallies have shown that Nepal has reached a “moment of truth” and is crying out for a “rupture” with the failed policies of the past. We must change our country, we must change profoundly, we must break with the political, economic and social system that has for 100 years only produce debt, unemployment, and stagnation. That is why we all Nepalese people appeal for a clean break.
Nepalese society is based on strictly hierarchical norms and the age-old basis of caste system traditional socio-cultural values norms and beliefs. Poverty has to be scrutinised in the light of politico- economic, socio-cultural and psychological issues by keeping in mind of broader geographical, demographic, ecological, socio-cultural, religious and politico-economic context.
There are so many leaders in the world who did everything for sake of development in their country. We can take an example of General de Gaulle in 1945 and in 1958 who established the fifth Republic in France. We want such a leader who can transform Nepal, challenging conservatism without taboo like General de Gaulle in France did. Government should change the institutions, economic policy, social welfare, the civil service, foreign policy and defence, taxes and culture. The crisis in Nepal has revealed in cruel way the realities that have been observing for several years: our country needs radical transformation.
Nepal is the wellspring of peace ideas “likes Gautam Buddha” and inspiration to the world, is in danger of spluttering into global irrelevance, becoming a mere “theme park for tourist”. The vitality of the world’s second rich water resources economy has been sapped by over-funded country and the oppressive build-up of public debt, its entrepreneurial energies have been dulled by taxes and its social “elevator”, allowing the poor and excluded minorities to be integrated into Nepalese society, has broken down as unemployment rate has been struck at around 50-60 percent for a generation. Nepalese society is sclerotic, blocked, immobile and paralysed by quasi-castes, who enjoy enormous benefits and privileges while denying them outsiders.
The much-vaunted Nepalese social model, which trumpets the principle of equality, has in practice produce inequality. Racial discrimination is rooted in Nepalese society no matter whether the country formally adheres to the Human rights policy or not. Positive discrimination is still discrimination which should be illegal in Nepal. Corrective measures are needed.
Abraham Lincoln had stressed about politics “by the people, for the people”. Some our politicians too speak the same language on all public platforms but in actual practice they set an example of corruption, crime and so on. Every citizen is of the view that no government in Nepal can ever be expected to be brutally sincere; it can only be sincerely brutal. Nepalese politics should have entered post-ideological phase, in which politicians must devise clear solutions to voters’ immediate concerns rather than appealing to their idealistic instincts. “One notices more and more in our electoral analyses that voters are individualistic, critical and well-informed, and that in deciding their political choice they increasingly fix on concrete issues. The ideological vote-whether it is socialist, or Marxist, or liberal-is changing to one based on what affects people in their daily lives. People vote for their personal interests at the time of voting.”
Nepalese politician should be practical in other terms should be interested in how a policy might work in practice than in theory. If somebody ask about deep down then the answer should be in one word: pragmatism.
Teachers, social workers, police officers, doctors and youth associations all had a responsibility to identify and tackle problem cases early and Government should do more to deal with every single problem. To avoid becoming human animals we must escape the society of selection in which we live, a society of repression, impoverishment, of voyeurism and fear, where the cop, violence, force and sexual licence have replaced dignity, dialogue, justice and love.
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Human Factor:
Human Factors (HF) professionals contribute to the design and evaluation of tasks, jobs, products, environments and systems in order to make them compatible with the needs, abilities and limitations of people. At Paragon, HF principles are applied to the specification, design, evaluation, operation and maintenance of oil & gas and maritime equipment to enhance safety, efficiency of personnel and job satisfaction.
Can Human Factors Affect the "Bottom Line"?
HF principles applied during design to reduce the potential for human error can lead to improved system reliability and maintainability, allowing a system to sustain greater levels of availability or uptime. Evidence shows that the revenue generated by a system will increase as a function of system.
The HF Group has worked most recently in five key areas: new facilities design and construction, control room studies, training, incident investigation and development of design guidelines and specifications.