That evening was strange, this evening is also strange;She was close to me, she is close to me today as well,On those eyes there were my thoughts, on those unspoken words there were my happiness,I used to think she is singing by using my name and introverting,I thought she is coming close to me……………….
I have taken few of the relevant quotes from the book according to my experience. I found that when women pull away then Men started get curious towards her. They (Men) started trying to get closer to her. I can remember that when I did call on her mobile. She didn’t reply at all. I left voice messages that I want to talk to her. On that period, I had really miserable time. When I felt that I am fully separated, then suddenly I felt my need for love and intimacy again. I think she might be surprised and called me after four weeks. I tried to explain my feelings to her and requested her few time to meet. She agreed to meet me but changed her plan again and at last we met on Saturday. How do I explain my feelings and happiness on those eight days? Nobody can imagine even I can’t explain in words that how much happy I was when she said she wants to meet me. I changed my daily routine even I stopped smoking because she knew that I was still smoking. I started reading and asking friends that how can I impress her. I was waiting a good moment so that I can listen her feelings and tell her about my feeling as well. It is worth to say that in Love few hours are also memorable in life. My flat mates started asking that am I really in Love? When I used to come home from work, I used to ask my flat mate Stephen to dance with me in Nepali songs. He was really surprised by seeing such a change in my behaviour.
I think Women pull away for different reasons. Sometime she does not understand Men’s feelings and afraid of being hurt again. Sometime, when Men disappointed her that makes also pulling away from Men. I can remember one incident that when we met last time on Saturday. When we went to buy suit for post – graduate ceremony at Mall on my request, one mature woman started asking me that I had day off and all those stuff. I tried to ignore her and told her that she always shows too much interest towards me but I don’t like her and there are few other girls as well whom I don’t like at all. I also told her that my family are asking me to get marry. But in my view, I was telling her indirectly that nobody can take your position. You are the only person whom I can trust and will be happy. I am pretty sure, my statement (in my innocence) hurt her but I had not any mean to hurt her. It took me far away from her and today our communication broke out. It did hurt me as well because she didn’t understand me and trust me. To know a person, it can take ages then how can she evaluate me in few words and days?
Men always pull away to fulfil his need for independence or autonomy. When we met second time at my work place and went to city centre. I had a lot of things to do. I was trying to sort all those work first then give her more time. I used to call her once in a week and then used to make myself occupied by different unsolved work. I was trying to establish myself on her level. When I felt that I finished some degree of work then I motivated to give my love and receive the love and care I need. I think it was not my fault because it is Men nature which I knew by reading this research book.
I found only one place where some of us express our feelings. I always remember one thing when we get frustration at that time we start praying God, you know why? Because we believe that God listens everything what we are saying but never reply. Perhaps, this is the way of life goes. Krishna has explained in Bhagavad-Gita when human beings allow their mind to muse on objects of sense-enjoyments, an attraction for them is created. Attraction develops into craving and from craving follow causes for anger. Anger produces delusion. Delusion confuses the memory and understanding of things; from this confusion of understanding follows the disintegration of the power of discrimination; with discrimination gone, the human perishes.
The top secret of difference in coping with stress in Men and Women are: When Men become stress, they are increasingly focused and withdrawn. They feel better by solving problems. Men want to make improvements when they feel that they are being approached as a solution to problem rather than as the problem itself. But Women are increasingly overwhelmed and emotionally involved and they feel better by talking about problems. Continued......
I have taken few of the relevant quotes from the book according to my experience. I found that when women pull away then Men started get curious towards her. They (Men) started trying to get closer to her. I can remember that when I did call on her mobile. She didn’t reply at all. I left voice messages that I want to talk to her. On that period, I had really miserable time. When I felt that I am fully separated, then suddenly I felt my need for love and intimacy again. I think she might be surprised and called me after four weeks. I tried to explain my feelings to her and requested her few time to meet. She agreed to meet me but changed her plan again and at last we met on Saturday. How do I explain my feelings and happiness on those eight days? Nobody can imagine even I can’t explain in words that how much happy I was when she said she wants to meet me. I changed my daily routine even I stopped smoking because she knew that I was still smoking. I started reading and asking friends that how can I impress her. I was waiting a good moment so that I can listen her feelings and tell her about my feeling as well. It is worth to say that in Love few hours are also memorable in life. My flat mates started asking that am I really in Love? When I used to come home from work, I used to ask my flat mate Stephen to dance with me in Nepali songs. He was really surprised by seeing such a change in my behaviour.
I think Women pull away for different reasons. Sometime she does not understand Men’s feelings and afraid of being hurt again. Sometime, when Men disappointed her that makes also pulling away from Men. I can remember one incident that when we met last time on Saturday. When we went to buy suit for post – graduate ceremony at Mall on my request, one mature woman started asking me that I had day off and all those stuff. I tried to ignore her and told her that she always shows too much interest towards me but I don’t like her and there are few other girls as well whom I don’t like at all. I also told her that my family are asking me to get marry. But in my view, I was telling her indirectly that nobody can take your position. You are the only person whom I can trust and will be happy. I am pretty sure, my statement (in my innocence) hurt her but I had not any mean to hurt her. It took me far away from her and today our communication broke out. It did hurt me as well because she didn’t understand me and trust me. To know a person, it can take ages then how can she evaluate me in few words and days?
Men always pull away to fulfil his need for independence or autonomy. When we met second time at my work place and went to city centre. I had a lot of things to do. I was trying to sort all those work first then give her more time. I used to call her once in a week and then used to make myself occupied by different unsolved work. I was trying to establish myself on her level. When I felt that I finished some degree of work then I motivated to give my love and receive the love and care I need. I think it was not my fault because it is Men nature which I knew by reading this research book.
I found only one place where some of us express our feelings. I always remember one thing when we get frustration at that time we start praying God, you know why? Because we believe that God listens everything what we are saying but never reply. Perhaps, this is the way of life goes. Krishna has explained in Bhagavad-Gita when human beings allow their mind to muse on objects of sense-enjoyments, an attraction for them is created. Attraction develops into craving and from craving follow causes for anger. Anger produces delusion. Delusion confuses the memory and understanding of things; from this confusion of understanding follows the disintegration of the power of discrimination; with discrimination gone, the human perishes.

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