Thursday, July 07, 2005

Goal Verses the World

Action Cycle:Human action has 2 aspects i.e. execution and evaluation.
Execution involves doing something;
Evaluation is comparision of what happened in the world with what we wanted to happen (our goal). These two human actions can be shown in figuare as follows:
Stages of execuaions: Start at the top with goal, the state that is to be achived. The goal is translated into an intention to do some action. The intention must be translated into a set of internal commands, an action sequence that can be performaned to satisfy the intention. The action sequence is still a mental event: nothing happens until it is executed, performaed upon the world.
Stages of evalutions: Evaluation starts with our perception of the world. This perception must then be interpreted according to our expectations and then compared (evaluted) with respect to both our intentions and our goals.
Seven stages of actions: The stages of execution from (intentions, actions sequence and execution) are coupled with stages of evalution from (perception, interpretation and evalution) with goal common to both stages:

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