Sunday, May 15, 2005

God and Religion

Herbert Spenser has stated his view that students should be led to make their own investigations, and to draw their own inferences. They should be told as little as possible, and induced to discover as much as possible. The evolution of science was discrete and distinct from religion. Nobody dared to bridge them. The science god faces off often turned out into futile and dangerous attempts. Shreenivas Kasturi (2000) has explained his view that nobody troubles to think of the better ones, because then the credibility of the theory is lost. Such cases are the black sheep to an otherwise impeccable theory. So you don't find exceptions to the theory from the normal and various perspectives. It's when you start looking at the overall statistics of failures and successes that you start to believe that the true God is chance. By following this stated view, my main purpose of analysis writing is to find out who am I? If I am a simple human beings then why I am different than other human beings because I don’t follow how they ask me to do? I born free but my parents, teacher, relatives and friends gave me their culture and thoughts which I adapted whether it is good or bad? However, the question will also arise that if we stop believe in god what will happen to this real world? How far this theory and logic justified if we stop believing it? How far is the theory justified if we stop believing it? The moment we stop believing in god the whole world will be in chaos, the up to now well framed structure will collapse and it will be complicated and mess, morals gone disorganised. The system will terminate, end of the world, period. We do not want ourselves to go around doing sins, screaming indecent at god and remarking at others who dare to question us. We need to be controlled, we need to be in fear of someone, to be conscious of our errors and their outcomes, because our race is not developed enough to control our mind.
In Gita it has also stated that as long as our view of the world is fragmented, as long as these are under the spell of Maya and think that we are bond of Karma means to realise the unity and harmony of all nature, including ourselves, and to act accordingly. To free from the spell of Maya, to break the bonds of Karma to realise that all the phenomena we perceive with our senses are part of the senses of the same reality. It means to experience, concretely and personally, that everything, including our own self, is Brahman. This experience is called Moksha or liberation in Hindu philosophy.

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